Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Mike's Vacant Lot in Tribune, KS

It was another hot and windy day in Kansas. This state does not mess around when it comes to crazy weather. Chris got an extra early start and was out the door by 5:00 AM. Just hearing the words 5:00 AM makes me shudder. August and I went for a walk around Ness City in search of breakfast and intrigue.

We found breakfast at a little place called Cuppa Joe, run by a few experienced women. It's the kind of restaurant with no menu, just one special that they sell until it runs out. I love this concept, and if I had my own restaurant that's how we'd do it. This only works though if you can really bring it with that one meal you're selling. Our breakfast, eggs, sausage and a pancake, was a little on the average side. But I still liked you a lot Cuppa Joe!

After eating we strolled around town, passing the old bank building and looking for the library. We knew it opened at 10:00, and I had planned it just about right, arriving at 9:45. Much to my horror though, we were confronted with this sign at the door, saying that today was a special day that the library would be closed until noon due to preparations for a show by Dan Dan the Magic Man! Dismayed but not defeated, we moved on and headed back to some-guy's-yard-campground. Did our packing drill, and headed out.

The drive today was just over 100 miles, and was one a single straight road that the TransAm is on, for the entire time. August napped well during most of it, and I tried to take in the scenery. I pass 11 cyclists, 8 westbound like Chris, and 3 eastbound. It's funny how much these people leapfrog each other. I had seen all of the westbound groups except one before. Jay was among them, and I said a little prayer for him with both headphones in. I think he was wearing Vans this time instead of flip flops. I am really impressed by the women I see solo riding. Besides the physical challenges of the cycling itself, it takes so much work to tent camp every night, maintain your gear, wash and dry your clothes, and stay nourished and hydrated. Doing it alone is the ultimate way to push yourself to the limits of what you can do.

We made it into Tribune shortly after Chris, at about noon Mountain Time, which we crossed into today. I had made a call to the Chamber of Commerce and found an RV park here which is really just a vacant lot with hookups. In this heat though, the only important thing seems to be electric so that we can keep this thing somewhat cool! Also, tonight's stay is literally half the cost of the backyard we stayed at last night, so no complaints.

For lunch we were pleased to find a little gastropub across the road called Elliott's. What does gastropub mean? I'm not sure, but I think it's code for good food that's better than an average greasy spoon. This place specializes in local, farm-to-table food. This seems to be pretty rare in small towns, so we were more than willing to check it out. We ordered a spinach dip and chips appetizer, then split a cheeseburger and chicken and wild rice soup. The cheeseburger was delicious, very made-fresh tasting, and served with hand-cut fries. The chicken and wild rice soup was unbelievable creamy and delicious. Everything was homemade and you could taste it. We were definitely satisfied customers and it will be hard not to be tempted to go back for dinner.

Chris even sprang for the fresh-baked chocolate chip cookie served in a cast-iron skillet with ice cream on top. I don't have thousands of surplus calories to eat every day, so I settled for one yummy bite.

Since Chris had gotten such an early start, we let him nap and took off on my bike to find the library. I have been impressed with every library's children's area that we've been. It is always exactly what Auggie needs, a cool, clean place with lots to stimulate his little brain and room for him to move and climb around. The Greeley County Library was no different. We have been careful to keep August away from electronics since his brain's not developed enough yet to handle the way the moving images work, but I let him sit at the little kid's computer to see what he did. He was interested in all of it, and used the mouse as a phone (to call a friend I assume).

We had been there for about half an hour when they announced that the library would be closing soon to prepare for -- wait for it -- Dan Dan the Magic Man! Ugh, this guy again. He has been ruining all of our plans today! Merely kidding, we met him and he seemed like a nice guy. They encouraged us to come back at 4:00 to see the show, and Chris actually did take him back for it while I got a break. He said it was a neat show, and August was completely focused on it the whole 45 minutes.

I was glad that Dan Dan the Magic Man delivered for us finally. What are the chances that the same little library act would disrupt us twice in the same day, at libraries that were over 100 miles apart?!

Tribune seems like a fine town. When we were riding through the downtown area, I enjoyed that there are speakers attached to the polls and it was blasting the likes of the Rolling Stones and Bob Seger for the people passing through to appreciate. What a great idea, I felt like I was in some great old old movie leisurely pedaling through the town square being greeted by random kids and listening to awesome music. This is exactly the kind of experience I was hoping for when I imagined taking this trip across the heart of the country in the middle of the summer.

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