Thursday, June 11, 2015

Cave-in-Rock State Park

It was another grand day on our great adventure. August was kind enough to sleep in a bit for me, and then we hit up the playground. I feel like I am becoming a connoisseur of play equipment. The set this morning was clean, which is always appreciated, but was definitely designed for kids much older than toddlers. The landing for the slide was about 6 feet off the ground, and the only way to get to the landing was by climbing up these broom-handle type rungs. Obviously, that was not something he could do, but I couldn't even safely climb them while holding him either. We settled for a trip down the slide from midway down (aka, as far as mommy could reach to plop him on it).

Afterwards, we headed down the road towards our next stop, Cave-in-Rock, Illinois. This town has two pretty neat things going on: 1) A ferry that cars and bikes can take across the Ohio River between Kentucky and Illinois, and 2) A cave in the side of a cliff facing the river.
I was a little bummed that our driving route took us in from the other direction so we ended up crossing on a bridge further north and then coming into the town from the other side. Chris took the ferry as part of his route though, and it looked neat. If we have extra time tomorrow, Auggie and I may just ride it for fun.

The cave is also interesting. Legend has it that travelers on the river would seek refuge in the cave during bad weather and at night, only to be robbed and worse by the bandits who would hide in the cave.

I don't know if it's true, but it's a fun story. Here is a picture of the cave from the river, it does look like something that would appeal to a passerby in the 1700s and 1800s.

We walked down the stairs and along the river to get to it, and were able to walk all the way into it. Chris and Auggie were more daring (daring, as in, more willing to walk through mud) and went to very back of it. Chris thought it was very cool that in the tallest part of the cave there is a crack in the ceiling that lets in sunlight. I got a picture of my guys basking in it.

We rode our bikes into town for dinner, which has quickly become one of our favorite things to do. Rose's Kountry Kitchen was pretty good, and I liked the sign out front. We are still discussing whether Rose is welcoming motorcyclists or bicyclists, as this town sees plenty of both. Chris thinks it was referring to motorcycles, as he knew there was a rally nearby.

I have my own theory as I saw several cyclists on our way in, and also noticed that the town has an affinity for the non-motorized kind as a decor item. Someone decided to spray paint old bikes fun colors, and fill the baskets with flowers, and these can be found on many street corners, flagpoles and storefronts. I'm not much of a decorator, but I think this is the cutest idea ever for a small town.

Pure Sunshine!

Mama Bike and Baby Bike!


Playground redemption happened here at the Cave-in-Rock State Park campground. The set right across from our site is very Auggie-friendly. He could climb the stairs up to the slide landings without help and the slides are just the right height. You can tell he was a happy guy to do this! He really likes slides and isn't afraid to go down them by himself, though he is cautious about not going too fast. It is a real joy to watch him play his heart out.

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