Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Fowler, CO

This morning we packed up and readied to leave Kansas. It's a good thing my travel buddy is so cute and willing to sit and watch Mommy, or this dismantling everything every day would be boring!

We have a rest day coming up, so Chris put in 120 long miles today. We met him for lunch, eating in the RV since there was basically nothing in all of the small towns we went through along those 120 miles. Chris really enjoys the RV life - he was able to flip our veggie masala burgers while sitting on the couch!

The drive was long, but it helped that we broke it up a little with the lunch stop. August got in decent naps on both legs of it, which I consider a win since it does not always go that smoothly. The most interesting part of the drive was that the landscape changes quickly when you cross over from Kansas to Colorado. Kansas was as flat as can be, dry prairie with howling winds and lots of dust flying around. This part of Colorado has a lot of green, several rivers and lakes, and a much hillier topography. All of the plants are different even.

Typical Kansas, polite and friendly right up to the point you leave.

Chris was famished when he arrived in Fowler, so we walked over for dinner to the Good Eat-In pizza restaurant. It was funny that it was called that, because it wasn't really set up to eat in. We did anyway, of course. The older couple working there were very nice.

We learned an important lesson about pizza ordering though. Sometimes, you really need to mention that you want cheese on your pizza! We ordered half pepperoni and sausage, and half cheese. We were perplexed when the pizza arrived and the pepperoni and sausage half was literally pepperoni and sausage on pizza crust. Strange! We didn't want to cause extra work or wait on a replacement, so Chris the trooper went ahead and ate it.

Afterwards we walked to the park so Auggie could get some play time in before the evening ended. By the time we got back to the campground, we were all very ready for sleep. Looking forward to visiting Pueblo tomorrow and then a rest day soon after!

This is the look August gets when he really feels like a big boy!

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